European Bio Imaging Facility - Overview

Laboratory for sample preparation, laser micro dissection, micro injection and image analysis


  • Laboratory for sample preparation, laser micro dissection, micro injection
  • Data analysis: Development of new image analysis software tools;
    Morphometric analysis of co-localisation, and intracellular protein distributions and dynamics;
    Electron microscopy-based morphometric analyses of the shape and size of cellular organelles and extracellular structures, and evaluation of local concentrations of gene products after their expression in cells of interest. 


The Euro-BioImaging facility collaborates extensively with the imaging community in the city of Naples which includes the institutes of CNR, other research institutions like SDN and the Federico II university of Naples, to develop advanced microscopes and imaging techniques.

 The following technologies are in the process of development:

1) Raman spectroscopy-based imaging: We have developed a Raman microscopy/spectroscopy-based method for detection of lipids and other small molecules at sub-cellular resolution. 

2) Novel correlative methods: We are extending the reach of the correlative methods by integrating video microscopy with methods to image large multimolecular complexes by EM, or mass-spectrometry based imaging.

3) Image analysis: We are also developing methods based on cognitive image analysis systems for interpretation and classification of cellular images. This is carried out in collaboration with researchers at the ICAR, Napoli.  


The Euro-BioImaging facility at IEOS organizes programs aimed at training young researchers in the use of basic as well as advanced microscopic techniques. We organize a yearly course on the theory and practice of microscopy for the prospective regular users of the facility. In addition, requests for special training sessions are also supported by appropriate training programs. 
We also organize workshops/meetings on imaging and microscopy.

Image analysis: image analysis station equipped with Zen off line analysis program, AxioVision off line analysis program, Leica image analysis suite, Image J, Cell profiler and Metamorph image analysis software. 



Where we are

Via Pietro Castellino 111
80131 Naples
Tel. 0039 081 6132 579

Amministrazione trasparente
