
Post Doctoral Program

If you would like join IEOS-2nd Unit as postdoctoral research fellow, please apply to individual group coordinators. Also check the Job opportunity section of the IEOS-CNR website.
As second entry route applicants wishing to join the IEOS can fill in the requisite form. This completed form should then be sent, together with the applicant’s CV, by e-mail to the following address:
Following this submission and the evaluation of the applications, the selected applicants will be interviewed by an internal interview panel. The IEOS-2nd Unit PostDoc program is intended to be cross-disciplinary in nature. To foster collaborations, fellows can be affiliated with two Principale Investigators working in different disciplines.

Application form


Where we are

Via Pietro Castellino 111
80131 Naples
Tel. 0039 081 6132 579

Amministrazione trasparente
