Alessia Varone

Alessia Varone
Current Position:



Cell regulation Lab

Phone: +39 0816132578
Lab: +39 0816132494/5

Oncogenic signalling, glycerophosphoinositols, intracellular transport, cell signalling

My research interest is focused on two main aspects of cancer biology: i) the study of oncogenic signaling driving cancer growth and dissemination and ii) the study of signaling crosstalk between tumor cells and tumor microenvironment.
Tumors require complex interactions with immune cells, surrounding blood vessels and supportive tissue structures in order to grow, become invasive and metastasize. Targeting the interactions of tumors with the microenvironment is an important and developing area of study.
Our group is interested in the study of phosphatidylinositol-derived lipid mediators, the glycerophosphoinositols, in the control of intracellular processes of cancer cells. These molecules represent a novel class of second messengers that regulate various cellular functions including cell proliferation and migration.
While we are currently investigating the role of these mediators in immune and inflammatory responses and in the regulation of cancer progression, we will also extend our studies about the role of glycerophosphoinositols and related signaling pathways in cellular communication between cancer and immune cells within the tumor microenvironment.
The final goal is to uncover new molecules that can be exploited as drug candidates in cancer therapy.


2012  Ph.D. in Life and Biomolecular Sciences of The Open University, Milton Keynes (UK). Host Institutions: “Mario Negri Sud" (Santa Maria Imbaro, Chieti) e “Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine” (TIGEM, Naples).
2006  Master Degree in Medical Biotechnology, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples
2004  Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples


2014-present: Researcher at National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Naples
2012-2014 : PostDoc at the IBP-CNR Institute, Naples
2010-2012: Doctoral Fellowship at Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine (TIGEM), Naples
2007-2009: Doctoral Fellowship at Consorzio “Mario Negri” Sud, Santa Maria Imbaro
2006-2007: pre-Doctoral Fellowship at Consorzio “Mario Negri” Sud, Santa Maria Imbaro
2004-2006: Undergraduate Research trainee. Dept. of Biochemistry and Medical Biotechnology (DBBM), University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples


2010-2012: 3 years Fellowship from the Italian Federation for Cancer Research (FIRC, Milan, Italy).

Boncompagni G, Varone A, Tatangelo V, Capitani N, Frezzato F, Visentin A, Trentin L, Corda D, Baldari CT, Patrussi L. Glycerophosphoinositol promotes apoptosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells by enhancing Bax expression and activation. Front Oncol. 2022 Mar 22; 12:835290.

Varone A, Amoruso C, Monti M, Patheja M, Greco A, Auletta L, Zannetti A, Corda D. The phosphatase Shp1 interacts with and dephosphorylates cortactin to inhibit invadopodia function. Cell Commun Signal. 2021 Jun 4;19(1):64.

Varone A, Mariggiò S, Patheja M, Maione V, Varriale A, Vessichelli M, Spano D, Formiggini F, Lo Monte M, Brancati N, Frucci M, Del Vecchio P, D'Auria S, Flagiello A, Iannuzzi C, Luini A, Pucci P, Banci L, Valente C, Corda D. A signalling cascade involving receptor-activated phospholipase A2, glycerophosphoinositol 4- phosphate, Shp1 and Src in the activation of cell motility. Cell Commun Signal. 2019 Mar 1;17(1):20.

Vessichelli M, Mariggiò S, Varone A, Zizza P, Di Santo A, Amore C, Dell'Elba G, Cutignano A, Fontana A, Cacciapuoti C, Di Costanzo G, Zannini M, de Cristofaro T, Evangelista V, Corda D. The natural phosphoinositide derivative glycerophosphoinositol inhibits the lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory and thrombotic responses. J Biol Chem. 2017 Aug 4;292(31):12828-12841.

Corda D, Zizza P, Varone A, Filippi BM and Mariggiò S. The glycerophosphoinositols: cellular metabolism and biological functions. Cell Mol Life Sci. (2009) 66, 3449-67.

2023 – 2026. Coordinator of OR: progetto MiSE Accordi per l’innovazione DM 31.12.2021
PROGETTO TREATED - Nuovi target e nuovi agenti terapeutici per il trattamento di patologie oculari rare o ad elevato bisogno di cura insoddisfatto.

2020 – 2023. Co-Principal Investigator: “La fosfatasi shp1 e i suoi leganti, i glicerofosfoinositoli, nell'identificazione e sviluppo di terapie specifiche contro il tumore”,
granted by Dompé farmaceutici S.p.A.


Where we are

Via Pietro Castellino 111
80131 Naples
Tel. 0039 081 6132 579

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