Domenico Russo

Domenico Russo
Current Position:



Morpho-functional organization and regulation of the biosynthetic pathway Lab

Phone: +39 0816132543
Lab: +39 0816132312

Golgi complex, Secretory pathway, Control systems, Glycosylation, Trafficking

Golgi is the organelle at the center of the secretory pathway mainly devoted to the regulation of traffic and the glycosylation of lipids and proteins. Golgi-resident glycosyltransferases sequentially add sugars to the growing glycan chain present on protein and lipid cargoes traversing the Golgi-stacks. The sub-Golgi localization of Golgi enzymes is maintained efficiently and mirrors the order in which they act along the Golgi-cisternae. Aberrant localization of the enzymes results in abnormal cargo glycosylation, leading to defects in function, thereby resulting in diseases such congenital disorders of glycosylation or cancer. My research activity is mainly focused on the study of the molecular mechanisms responsible of the morpho-functional organization of the Golgi apparatus which determines the positioning of enzymes within the Golgi compartments and as a consequence the cell specific glycosylation outcome. Our group recently discovered the function of golgins such as GOLPH3 and GRASP55 in determining the precise positioning of glycoenzymes responsible for the synthesis of specific glycosphingolipids that have a known pro-tumoral function. The emphasis is on developing strategies, cellular models and technology (including imaging and systems biology approaches) for the study of how the Golgi regulates glycosylation.  


2014- PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biotechnology, at the Second University of Naples (SUN), Naples.
2011- Master degree in Biology (cum laude), University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples.


2022-present: Researcher at the Institute of Endocrinology and Experimental Oncology (IEOS), National Research Council of Italy, Naples.
2018-2021:  Research fellow at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBBC) National Council of Research, Naples.
2015-2018:  PostDoc at the the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP) National Council of Research), Naples.
2011-2014:  PhD student at the Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP) National Council of Research), Naples.
2010-2011:  Undergraduate at Institute of Protein Biochemistry (IBP) National Council of Research, Naples.

1- Glycosphingolipid metabolic reprogramming drives neural differentiation. Russo D, Della Ragione F, Rizzo R, Sugiyama E, Scalabrì F, Hori K, Capasso S, Sticco L, Fioriniello S, De Gregorio R, Granata I, Guarracino MR, Maglione V, Johannes L, Bellenchi GC, Hoshino M, Setou M, D'Esposito M, Luini A, D'Angelo G.

The EMBO journal 37 (7), e97674


2-Sphingolipid metabolic flow controls phosphoinositide turnover at the trans-Golgi network. Capasso S, Sticco L, Rizzo R, Pirozzi M, Russo D, Dathan NA, Campelo F, van Galen J, Hölttä-Vuori M, Turacchio G, Hausser A, Malhotra V, Riezman I, Riezman H, Ikonen E, Luberto C, Parashuraman S, Luini A, D'Angelo G.

The EMBO journal 36 (12), 1736-1754

3-Golgi maturation‐dependent glycoenzyme recycling controls glycosphingolipid biosynthesis and cell growth via GOLPH3. Riccardo Rizzo*, Domenico Russo*, Kazuo Kurokawa, Pranoy Sahu, Bernadette Lombardi, Domenico Supino, Mikhail A Zhukovsky, Anthony Vocat, Prathyush Pothukuchi, Vidya Kunnathully, Laura Capolupo, Gaelle Boncompain, Carlo Vitagliano, Federica Zito Marino, Gabriella Aquino, Daniela Montariello, Petra Henklein, Luigi Mandrich, Gerardo Botti, Henrik Clausen, Ulla Mandel, Toshiyuki Yamaji, Kentaro Hanada, Alfredo Budillon, Franck Perez, Seetharaman Parashuraman, Yusuf A Hannun, Akihiko Nakano, Daniela Corda, Giovanni D’angelo, Alberto Luini.

*Both authors equally contributed

The EMBO Journal 40 (8), e107238

4-GRASP55 regulates intra‐Golgi localization of glycosylation enzymes to control glycosphingolipid biosynthesis. Prathyush Pothukuchi, Ilenia Agliarulo, Marinella Pirozzi, Riccardo Rizzo, Domenico Russo, Gabriele Turacchio, Julian Nüchel, Jia‐Shu Yang, Charlotte Gehin, Laura Capolupo, Maria Jose Hernandez‐Corbacho, Ansuman Biswas, Giovanna Vanacore, Nina Dathan, Takahiro Nitta, Petra Henklein, Mukund Thattai, Jin‐Ichi Inokuchi, Victor W Hsu, Markus Plomann, Lina M Obeid, Yusuf A Hannun, Alberto Luini, Giovanni D’Angelo, Seetharaman Parashuraman.

The EMBO journal 40 (20), e107766

5-Glycosphingolipids: synthesis and functions

G D'Angelo, S Capasso, L Sticco, D Russo

The FEBS journal 280 (24), 6338-6353


Where we are

Via Pietro Castellino 111
80131 Naples
Tel. 0039 081 6132 579

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